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Living Architecture:
 in movement
in mind
Licensed Creative Arts Therapist

Board Certified Dance/Movement Therapist



Welcome to Living Architecture.

Our bodies can be considered forms of Living Architecture, uniquely designed structures used to support experiences, life, and relationships. Each body, like each building, has a specifically designed scaffolding or skeleton from which all else is supported. 

At Living Architecture, we are considered the architects of our lives, where we can ​reconstruct and enliven our embodied experiences from the inside out.  

My mission for Living Architecture is to provide a creative, inclusive, and comfortable space for exploration and growth through a host of body based services. 


Why body-based?

Our stories, traumas, and hopes are carried in our bodies, and when we move, we move all aspects of ourselves. Together, we can use movement and the body as the main tools through which we can heal ourselves. . We can dive deeper into the layers of the mind -body connection as we work towards goals and growth. Humans move to satisfy a need, whether this need is physical, emotional, or relational. How could we not integrate the body into the process?



Check out services provided throughout this site and feel free to connect with me through a free 10 minute consultation or through the contact page provided.

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"Movement is, so to speak, living architecture - living in the sense of changing emplacements as well as changing cohesion. This architecture is created by human movements and is made up of pathways tracing shapes in space, and these we may call 'trace-forms'."


Quote from "The Language of Movement" by Rudolf Laban (p.5).

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